NatureVolve membership
NatureVolve members get exclusive access to all of our stories and insights across science and art:
- Full archive of digital magazine issues (back issues, plus latest) read to download (>15 copies)
- Receive new digital magazine editions upon release and access them in full for free (bimonthly)
- Editorial opportunities with one page per issue dedicated to the member’s project or chosen topic.
- Eligibility to apply to be interviewed in an article written by our journalists, for a feature article across multiple pages and platforms (pending approval).
- Chance to be highlighted across social media with social posts and videos created by us (pending approval).
- Access to other opportunities, including job posts, competitions and awards across the science and art space.
We appreciate our members for their support in our independent community to grow an appreciation for planet Earth through the sciences and creative arts. We keep our membership fee affordable, at £25 per month, to make it more accessible, as we are open and inclusive to diverse communities. After sign up, members will receive a welcome pack, and may cancel any time.